Friday, December 17, 2010

Naruto Shippuden Episode 191

Download Naruto Shippuden Episode 191

part 2

Tag: NARUTO, Naruto, Naruto Episode 191, Download Naruto Episode 191, Naruto 191 Bahasa Indonesia, Naruto 191 video, Naruto 191 Subbed, Naruto 191 Dubbed, Naruto 191 film, Naruto RAW Episode 191, Naruto Download, Screen Shot Video Naruto 191, Download Video Naruto 191, Donwload film Naruto 191, Donwload Naruto 191 movie, Nonton acara video / vidio film Naruto 191 langsung online, Naruto Seri 191, Naruto 191 The Movie Acara TV / Televisi.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Naruto Shippuden Episode 190

Download Naruto Shippuden Episode 190

Tag: NARUTO, Naruto, Naruto Episode 190, Download Naruto Episode 190, Naruto 190 Bahasa Indonesia, Naruto 190 video, Naruto 190 Subbed, Naruto 190 Dubbed, Naruto 190 film, Naruto RAW Episode 190, Naruto Download, Screen Shot Video Naruto 190, Download Video Naruto 190, Donwload film Naruto 190, Donwload Naruto 190 movie, Nonton acara video / vidio film Naruto 190 langsung online, Naruto Seri 190, Naruto 190 The Movie Acara TV / Televisi.

part 2

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Naruto Spoiler RAW and Summary Source


Naruto Spoiler, Naruto Full Spoiler Pics, Naruto RAW, Naruto Source, Naruto Spoiler Confirmed, Naruto Wallpaper, Naruto Shounen Jump, Naruto Hentai, Naruto Summary, Naruto Chapter, Naruto Episode, Naruto Download, Naruto Zip, Naruto RAR, Naruto Prediction, Naruto Fan Art, Naruto Spoiler Source.

Redirect to One Piece

..::Please Wait A Moment::..


One Piece Spoiler, One Piece Full Spoiler Pics, One Piece RAW, One Piece Source, One Piece Spoiler Confirmed, One Piece Wallpaper, One Piece Shounen Jump, One Piece Hentai, One Piece Summary, One Piece Chapter, One Piece Episode, One Piece Download, One Piece Zip, One Piece RAR, One Piece Prediction, One Piece Fan Art, One Piece Spoiler Source.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Redirect to Naruto

..::Please Wait A Moment::..


Naruto Spoiler, Naruto Full Spoiler Pics, Naruto RAW, Naruto Source, Naruto Spoiler Confirmed, Naruto Wallpaper, Naruto Shounen Jump, Naruto Hentai, Naruto Summary, Naruto Chapter, Naruto Episode, Naruto Download, Naruto Zip, Naruto RAR, Naruto Prediction, Naruto Fan Art, Naruto Spoiler Source.

Monday, November 29, 2010

One Piece Spoiler and RAW Pictures Source

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bleach 427 Spoiler RAW Pics and Summaries

Ichigo vs Ulquiorra Final Battle (NEW)

Click Images to Enlarge

Credits: spacecat & Maaru
Verification: Pending

Credit for translation: Maaru

By 69ruma:

Trans Maaru @FLOL small tidbit on the movie

番外編はBLEACH the unforgivens
The extra stuff is Bleach: The unforgivens
"The movie villains appear but it looks like even the major Arrancar arc characters are also appearing?!" Well, that's what it says.
As far as I can tell, Inoue works at a bakeshop.
Jinta and Ururu grew up
男はこの店にはいったのが偶然だといいつつ(嘘っぽい)、鰻屋に仕事を頼む。それは一心の身辺 調査
The guy who walked into the shop says it's just coincidence (but he looks like he's lying), but he has a job request, and it's to investigate Isshin
After hearing that, Ichigo says, "But Kurosaki Isshin is my father, if there's anything you want to know about him, then go ahead" while raising his voice.
After hearing that its his dad, "That's another coincidence, you sure you can answer what I want to know?" He asks.
いいやおめーは自分の家族のことなんてまだなにもしらねーはずだと続ける男。一方、裏原の店に裏原さんいる ?ときたカリンと、いやぁこれはこれは…黒崎サンと真面目な顔で現れる裏原で次号
"Maybe not. You definitely don't know much about your own family," the guy continued. On the other hand, at the Urahara shop, "Is Urahara-san here?" asks Karin. "Oh my, oh my, isn't this... Kurosaki-san", says Urahara, appearing with a serious face. To be continued.

Originally Posted by Muguruma @ 2ch
785 :69るま ◆KENseIuXK2 :2010/11/17(水) 16:41:08 ID:RoCVexMkQ
男はこの店にはいったのが偶然だといいつつ(嘘っぽい)、鰻屋に仕事を頼む。それは一心の身辺 調査
いいやおめーは自分の家族のことなんてまだなにもしらねーはずだと続ける男。一方、裏原の店に裏原さんいる ?ときたカリンと、いやぁこれはこれは…黒崎サンと真面目な顔で現れる裏原で次号

Credit: Maaru
Status: Confirmed

As far as I can tell, Inoue works at a bakeshop (Sheetz says Orihimes Baking is on the Cover).
Jinta and Ururu grew up
男はこの店にはいったのが偶然だといいつつ(嘘っぽい)、鰻屋に仕事を頼む。それは一心の身辺 調査
The guy who walked into the shop says it's just coincidence (but he looks like he's lying), but he has a job request, and it's to investigate Isshin
After hearing that, Ichigo says, "But Kurosaki Isshin is my father, if there's anything you want to know about him, then go ahead" while raising his voice.
After hearing that its his dad, "That's another coincidence, you sure you can answer what I want to know?" He asks.
いいやおめーは自分の家族のことなんてまだなにもしらねーはずだと続ける男。一方、裏原の店に 裏原さんいる ?ときたカリンと、いやぁこれはこれは…黒崎サンと真面目な顔で現れる裏原で次号
"Maybe not. You definitely don't know much about your own family," the guy continued. On the other hand, at the Urahara shop, "Is Urahara-san here?" asks Karin. "Oh my, oh my, isn't this... Kurosaki-san", says Urahara, appearing with a serious face. To be continued.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Naruto Episode 185

part 2

Naruto Shippuden » Episode 185

“Animal District”

Condor, the ostrich previously captured by Team 7, now lives in a forest with baby ostriches. Since his last escape, Condor has trained himself to become a ninja ostrich.

Tag: NARUTO, Naruto, Naruto Episode 185, Download Naruto Episode 185, Naruto 185 Bahasa Indonesia, Naruto 185 video, Naruto 185 Subbed, Naruto 185 Dubbed, Naruto 185 film, Naruto RAW Episode 185, Naruto Download, Screen Shot Video Naruto 185, Download Video Naruto 185, Donwload film Naruto 185, Donwload Naruto 185 movie, Nonton acara video / vidio film Naruto 185 langsung online, Naruto Seri 185, Naruto 185 The Movie Acara TV / Televisi.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bleach 426 Spoiler and RAW Pics Source

One Piece 604 Spoiler pics are up!!

Click Images to Enlarge

Credits: Ohana and Ruma
Verification: Confirmed

First spoiler

Ishida's the student council president.

He's writing the summary now so have to wait a bit.
There's a new female character (she's pregnant) and Yoko-chan from a long time ago.


Ishida and Kurosaki gets rid of the delinquents
(T/N: I assume that's what 'furu-bokko' means)
Complaints about the ruckus
Ichigo's part-time job manager came for him.
Ishida gets pissed

バイト先は 何でも屋 鰻
The part-time job from before always gets chaotic like this
The shop manager is the pregnant woman.

A guy from way before comes back.
(T/N: probably yoko-chin)

Well, I'll leave it to ruma-chan to provide details.


One of the delinquents rushes at Ishida and screams that he'll kill him. Ichigo takes him down with a judo move and starts counting.
"What the hell are you doing" the delinquent named Kobuda screams to his subordinate. "That's Kurosaki!"

One of the delinquents rushes at Ishida and screams that he'll kill him. Ichigo takes him down with a judo move and starts counting.
"What the hell are you doing" the delinquent named Kobuda screams to his subordinate. "That's Kurosaki!"
Ishida kicks Ichigo from behind. "Why did you come here!" he asks. Ichigo answers, "I came to draw you back."
During their convo Kobuda yells, "You're Kurosaki?" Both Ishida and Ichigo punch him in the face.
You shouldn't butt into things that don't concern you! It became my business a little while ago, when you consider that I became the student council president.

The remaining delinquent says, "Your fight is with us!!" and rushes them. The two of them sweep him away as they continue to argue.
From their convo it appears Ishida started exterminating hollows after going to Urahara's shop to get some fabric.


358 :69るま ◆KENseIuXK2 :2010/11/10(水) 16:53:50 ID:nNXqMa5D0
ぶっころせ!!と石田に襲い掛かろうとする不良のひとりをイチゴがとっ捕まえて関節技を決めてカウントを取 り始める。
カウントを数える一護を後ろから蹴る石田。何しにきたという石田に、オメーを引っ込ませに来たんだよ!とい う。
二人の会話に、お前が黒崎かぁああ!!と叫ぶ小不田を二人同時に顔面に拳をくらわせのしてしま う。
何事もなかったようにカンケーねーやつは引っ込んでろ、さっきボクも関係者になったんだ!、生徒会長なんだ から立場を考えろと文句をいいあう二人。
そこに残りの不良がお前は俺たちとモメんだろうがぁ!!と襲い掛かってくるが、文句を言い合いながら不良を 一掃していく二人。
ここで虚の話とかはするな、あとでメールしろと石田。オメーのメアドなんてしらねーしいつ買ったんだと一護 。
前に裏腹の手伝いをしたときにもらったんだと携帯を見せ付ける石田だが、それ多分こっちでつかえねぇぞと突 っ込まれる。
そこに黒崎ぃ!久しぶりだなぁ!とさらに不良が。俺のカオを覚えてるだろぉ!?という相手をなんとか思い出 そうとするが、
誰だ?とイチゴに声をかける石田。店長・・・!と一護が叫ぶと、テキトーな理由でサボりやがってもうゆるさ ねーぞ、おとなしくさらわれろ!!と叫ぶ。
一護を縛ったまま店のソファーに放る女。テープ放せという一護に、逃げないならはがしてやると 応える。
その時電話が鳴り受話器をとる女。電話の内容はうなぎ特上二人前を頼むというものだったらしく 、
うちは鰻屋じゃねぇ!そういう店名だ!と応える。その電話の内容に、何度もいうけど店の名前変えたほうがい いぜと一護。
女の名前はなんでも屋「うなぎ屋」店主 鰻屋 育美。あんたと呼ぶ一護にイクミさんってよべと 育美。
その時扉の向こうでママーどこー?という声。まずい!と叫ぶ育美、被っていた帽子をとり、髪を解きエプロン をつけるイクミ。
そんな馨を向こうの部屋にいくよう促すイクミ。そのあと、イチゴに、ごめんね、あの子あんたにだけはいつま でもなつかないのね。言いたい事あるだろうけどガマンしてやってねと謝るイクミ。
さっさと仕事いってこい!というイクミ。その時チャイムが鳴り、イクミが出るとこの間一護が助けた大柄な男 が。だが少し雰囲気が違う。
一護があんたこないだの・・・!というと男は手に持っていた出前らしきラーメンをみせ、ラーメン、食うか? と一言。

Monday, November 08, 2010

Naruto Shippuden Episode 184

Tag: NARUTO, Naruto, Naruto Episode 184, Download Naruto Episode 184, Naruto 184 Bahasa Indonesia, Naruto 184 video, Naruto 184 Subbed, Naruto 184 Dubbed, Naruto 184 film, Naruto RAW Episode 184, Naruto Download, Screen Shot Video Naruto 184, Download Video Naruto 184, Donwload film Naruto 184, Donwload Naruto 184 movie, Nonton acara video / vidio film Naruto 184 langsung online, Naruto Seri 184, Naruto 184 The Movie Acara TV / Televisi.

Naruto Shippuden Episode 184

“Deploy! Team Tenten”

Tenten and Neji head for the Leaf Ninja Tool Research Lab to procure ninja tools necessary for rebuilding the Leaf Village.

part 2

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Bleach 425 RAW Spoilers and Summaries

Click Images to Enlarge
Bleach 425 Spoiler
and RAW Pics

Credits: 2ch
Status: Pending

by Sheetz
Ichigo dreams of being awaken by somebody.
There's a shadow that looks like Renji.
Another shadow that looks like Byakuya.
Another one that looks like Rukia.

Then Isshin wakes him up for real.
It's a hectic morning.

At school.
There's a meeting about invitations tor club activities.
They talk about how many to make.

Inoue: Being in high school is an idle existence.

Ishida: This here is bad.
Is Kurosaki here?
What for?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bleach 424 Spoiler and RAW Source

Download Bleach 424 Spoiler Pictures

Click Images to Enlarge

Credits: Saladesu
Status: Confirmed

Karakura Town, 7am, Monday

Kurosaki Ichigo/17 years old
Hair Color/Orange
Eye Color/Brown
Occupation/High School Student
As for spirits, I can't see them (TN: this is exactly the same as the first chapter of Bleach, save for his age and inability to see spirits)

Ichigo wakes up, saying "I'm sleepy"

Center color looks similar to the one from the first chapter - Ichigo is in front, with numerous characters in the background (such as Tatsuki and Ishida), but everyone is facing towards the bacl.

Ichigo changes into his school uniform. When he goes to the kitchen, Yuzu appears in her uniform and goes "ta~da!". She has her hair tied back in 2 pigtails.
However, Ichigo doesn't give much of a reaction to that and just asks her to pass the soy sauce. Yuzu gets angry with him over that as she passes him the soy sauce.
"I went through all that effort to keep what I look like in my new uniform a secret, and now that I'm showing it to you, you won't even look at me! I've never seen a brother like that," Yuzu passes Ichigo the rice.
At that, Ichigo murmurs, "I'm looking alright, and your zipper's open"
Karin watches this exchange, and pokes her chopsticks at the glasses of a spirit that is hovering around her. Ichigo does not see this at all.
Isshin appears, calling Yuzu's name loudly, asking which bowtie he should wear with the suit he is wearing to her entrance ceremony.
Yuzu: "Yeah, it's alright, either one is fine", she doesn't seem interested at all. isshin is shocked.
It has been 17 months since that battle, a little over a year. Ichigo has become a third year student.
With regards to his Shinigami powers, when Ichigo was sleeping, Chad and the rest had told Keigo and the rest all about it, seeming to trust them with it.
Ichigo says that he's happy that they had accepted it without saying anything.
Mizuiro is waiting for him outside when he leaves the house, he has a new hairstyle with his ears hidden by his hair, a little like Rukia.
Karin and Yuzu go to the middle school with Isshin. Ever since Ichigo lost his spiritual powers, Karin's has gotten stronger, and Karin now has hi-spec spiritual disposition.
She doesn't discuss it with Ichigo, so it seems they have reached some sort of mutual understanding on the matter.
When they reach school, Keigo comes dashing towards them. Ichigo does a pro-wrestling move as he greets him.
It seems Mizuiro is now in a different class, so he heads to his own class saying "see you at lunch"
Inside a classroom labeled 3-3, Tatsuki asks if Ichigo has brought the Tekken (TN: fist? it's also the name of a game). Karin (TN: I think this might be a typo. 69ruma might mean Tatsuki) hair is now as long as Kuukaku's.
Ichigo opens his bag saying "I brought it, I brought it". In his bag is the old Shinigami replacement identification. Ichigo passes the Tekken to Karin (TN: Tatuski?)
He didn't get a chance to return the shinigami replacement identification , and since he lost his powers it has stopped working as well, it's just a wooden plank now that it can neither serve as an alarm, and now normal people can see it too.
But it is also the only remaining proof that Ichigo was once a shinigami.
Ichigo absently plays with the badge even during lessons. Suddenly, there is a voice, "Ishida! Where are you going!"
Ishida runs away shouting "Nurse's office!" (it's not clear whether they are in the same class)
Now Ishida has taken on the role of Hollow purifications. It seems the afro dude is even more unreliable than expected.
And since that day, Rukia has not come by Karakura town even once.
Ichigo talks about university choices on the roof with Keigo. Keigo: "Ichigo, your grades had been good when we first entered high school, but somewhere in the middle of the first year you started failing"
Ichigo: "I was busy with all sorts of things then, and I'm still above average"
Keigo murmurs: "I wonder how Rukia-chan's doing"
Ichigo: "Why are you suddenly bringing up Rukia?"
Keigo: "She's so cold, she hasn't even shown her face since that day"
Ichigo: 'That's to be expected, she's no longer in charge off Karakura town."
Keigo: "Aren't you lonely?"
Ichigo: "No way"

Ichigo: "Only from the time when I was 16, did I finally get to live a normal life. I'm fine if I could live peacefully like this until I die."
Keigo: That's true, I don't want to feel that sort of fear again"
Ichigo: "I never felt superior just because I could see spirits. I never thought of making a living off that either, and neither did I think of helping others with that power. I longed for a life where I couldn't see spirits, and it's come true"
A guy carrying a bag slips past Ichigo, Keigo, Mizuiro, who are on their way back to the classroom. A hefty guy is chasing after the other guy.
Ichigo passes his bag to Mizuiro and chases after the guy who is running away.
He catches up to the guy and punches by the guy when he turns around. The guy who falls to the ground stands up again and pulls out a knife to counterattack, but Ichigo manages to catch the knife's blade between his fingers and stop the hand holding the knife and punch him again.
The body and reflexes he had trained as a shinigami in order to win are still with him, also another of the proofs that he was once a shinigami.
Ichigo returns the bag to the owner, who is the tall guy. His hair is all swept back, and he thanks Ichigo, and humorously says that he'll even treat Ichigo to ramen.
Ichigo rejects the offer and walks away, adding that he'll get into trouble so keep it a secret that he'd hit someone.
Guy: "I see, that's a pity"
After Ichigo leaves, he opens the zipper of his bag, and just like Ichigo, he is holding onto a replacement shinigami identification.
Guy: "He's a surprisingly wary one, isn't he, that Kurosaki Ichigo"
BLEACH 424. The Lost Agent
The disappearance of the Shinigami Replacement arc.

Bleach Spoiler, Bleach Full Spoiler Pics, Bleach RAW, Bleach Source, Bleach Spoiler Confirmed, Bleach Wallpaper, Bleach Shounen Jump, Bleach Hentai, Bleach Summary, Bleach Chapter, Bleach Episode, Bleach Download, Bleach Zip, Bleach RAR, Bleach Prediction, Bleach Fan Art, Bleach Spoiler Source.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bleach 424 Prediction

Bleach Chapter 424 Spoiler: Goodbye Halcyon Days, Redux
Credits: Betterbox
Status: Prediction

“Today’s that day…the same day when I met…her. Three years, huh? It feels like yesterday…”

We see Ichigo lying on his back. He is in the Karakura graveyard, cushioned by a patch of verdant grass. His hands are behind his head as he stares wistfully into the azure sky. Suddenly, a face, its details obscured by shadow, pops into his view, rather close to his own face. A low voice comes from the figure. “Kurosaki-kun?”


The noise startles the figure, which takes a step back. Ichigo himself quickly sits upward and comically scrambles back, only to see Orihime. He breathes a sigh of relief.

“Oh, it’s just you, Inoue…geez, don’t surprise me like that! You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

Orihime, at seeing the look on his face, can’t help but giggle.

“Heehee, I’m sorry! I just came to bring my brother some flowers and noticed someone in the distance, just laying there on the grass…I saw the orange hair and figured it had to be you.”

Ichigo scratches the back of his head in that usual manner of his.


“So, what brings you down here? Did you come to visit your mother?”

Ichigo nods, then looks over at his mother’s tombstone.

“Yeah, and this place…reminded me of something.”

We see a short flasback panel of Ichigo standing in front his mother’s grave, asking Rukia to allow him to be a shinigami a bit longer. She sits in a tree overlooking him and smiles.

At that point, Orihime’s voice rouses him from his reverie.

“Oh…that day…it’s today, isn’t it? The day you met…”

Ichigo allows himself a small, pensive smile.

“Rukia, yeah.”

The two are quiet for a few moments, each looking at the ground, before Ichigo breaks the silence.

“…Have you talked to her recently?”

“Not since the last time I told you, which was a couple months ago…she’s probably pretty busy with things in Soul Society, having finally been made a Vice Captain and all.”

“Ah…yeah, I figure got a lot to d–”

At that moment, a ringing noise breaks him off mid-sentence – his cell phone. Flipping it open, he answers tentatively.


A deep voice comes through on the phone’s earpiece.

“Ichigo…there’s trouble.”


Ichigo listens for a moment on the phone. His eyes widen in disbelief.


Ichigo sits there on the grass, the phone held to his ears, while Orihime looks on worriedly.

Side Text: A shocking revelation!! What could it be?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Submit and Share your favorite manga prediction here!

One Piece Spoiler, One Piece Full Spoiler Pics, One Piece RAW, One Piece Source, One Piece Wallpaper, One Piece Shounen Jump, One Piece Hentai, One Piece Summary, One Piece Chapter, One Piece Episode, One Piece Download, One Piece Zip, One Piece RAR, One Piece Prediction, One Piece Fan Art, One Piece Spoiler Source.

Naruto Spoiler, Naruto Full Spoiler Pics, Naruto RAW, Naruto Source, Naruto Spoiler Confirmed, Naruto Wallpaper, Naruto Shounen Jump, Naruto Hentai, Naruto Summary, Naruto Chapter, Naruto Episode, Naruto Download, Naruto Zip, Naruto RAR, Naruto Prediction, Naruto Fan Art, Naruto Spoiler Source

Bleach Full Spoiler Pics, Bleach RAW, Bleach Source, Bleach Spoiler Confirmed, Bleach Wallpaper, Bleach Shounen Jump, Bleach Hentai, Bleach Summary, Bleach Chapter, Bleach Episode, Bleach Download, Bleach Zip, Bleach RAR, Bleach Prediction, Bleach Fan Art, Bleach Spoiler Source.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Facebook Layout | Vista Green 2009

By Iero way
Last updated Mar 27 2009
507 installs this week, 7660 total.

New skin facebook windows..very " beautiful skin

Screen Shoot

Install Now [Pasang Sekarang]
or learn more how to install?

Faceboo layout

Tag : Facebook layout Vista Green 2009, facebook skin Vista Green 2009, facebook costumization layout Vista Green 2009, free facebook layout Vista Green 2009, free facebook skin Vista Green 2009, Download facebook layout Vista Green 2009, download facebook skin , facebook layout code Vista Green 2009, facebook layout skin code Vista Green 2009, facebook background layout Vista Green 2009, facebook background skin Vista Green 2009.

Facebook Layout | Vista Ultimate Taskbar v 0.7

By HeartRipper
Last updated Apr 27 2009
597 installs this week, 13731 total.

...A brand new skin for facebook that brings a bit of Vista-ness in your favourite social network, styling background, bars, borders, icons,.... everything you need to use it is firefox with stylish installed.

Check it out!

Screen Shoot

facebook layout

Tag : Facebook layout Vista Ultimate Taskbar, facebook skin Vista Ultimate Taskbar, facebook costumization layout Vista Ultimate Taskbar, free facebook layout Vista Ultimate Taskbar, free facebook skin Vista Ultimate Taskbar, Download facebook layout Vista Ultimate Taskbar, download facebook skin , facebook layout code Vista Ultimate Taskbar, facebook layout skin code Vista Ultimate Taskbar, facebook background layout Vista Ultimate Taskbar, facebook background skin Vista Ultimate Taskbar.

Facebook Layout | Vista Ultimate v 1.4

By HeartRipper
Last updated Apr 27 2009
1178 installs this week, 22077 total.

...A brand new skin for facebook that brings a bit of Vista-ness in your favourite social network, styling background, bars, borders, icons,.... everything you need to use it is firefox with stylish installed.

Check it out!

This is the part of Vista Ultimate Skin for Facebook styling Facebook's Window. See release notes for details.

1. Screenshots
2. Compatibility
This skin is compatible with ALL operative system and ALL firefox version compatible with stylish.

3.Release Notes
1)this skin is in BETA version, please report me bugs or something like that, here or emailing me (if you email me, i'll be able to answer you! )
2)IMPORTANT: From v1.4 Vista Ultimate Skin For Facebook has been splitted in two parts for problems regarding the style's lenght:

Vista Ultimate Skin for Facebook |@Taskbar - v0.7| (this style, styling fb's taskbar);
Vista Ultimate Skin for Facebook |@Window - v1.4| (styling fb's window)

you need to install and update them separately! :(
4. Changelog:
** 28-10-2008: first ALPHA version released;

** 01-12-2008: v0.1[BETA1] released;
** 21/02/2009: v0.2 [BETA2] Released
- Fixed some stuff
- New orb
- New Tooltips

**26/02/2009: v0.3 [BETA3] Released
- New icon!
- Chat buttons' width is now dynamic ( no more names fallin off edges!)

**07/03/2009: v0.4 Definitive Version Released
- Fixed compatibility iussue with Firefox 3.1
- Top bar styled

**08/03/2009: v0.5 Released
- Code cleaned;
- Text colors fixed;
- Missing status in chat menus fixed;
- Chat messages count problem fixed;
- Minimiziing button is now present;

**09/03/2009: v0.6 Released
- Problem with apps icons fixed;
- Add icon for the "causes" app
- Multiple chat arrows styled
- Add app's bookmark button styled

**16/03/2009: v0.6.1 Released
- Fixed a problem with online friends' tab ( )

**16/03/2009: v0.6.2 Released
- Fixed a problem with applications menu.

**16/03/2009: v0.6.2 Released
- Fixed a problem with applications menu.

**01/03/2009: v0.6.3 Released
- Fixed some problems with fb updates.

**26/04/2009: v0.7 Released
- Fixed problems with some changes in the taskbar layout.
- Fixed iussue with white space in chat window
- Fixed minimize button.

Check costantly for updates!!

Screen Shoot

Facebook layout vista ultimate

Tag : Facebook layout Vista Ultimate, facebook skin Vista Ultimate, facebook costumization layout Vista Ultimate, free facebook layout Vista Ultimate, free facebook skin Vista Ultimate, Download facebook layout Vista Ultimate, download facebook skin , facebook layout code Vista Ultimate, facebook layout skin code Vista Ultimate, facebook background layout Vista Ultimate, facebook background skin Vista Ultimate.